Monday 28 January 2013

Ah ha...
An LPS o boy I luv these soo much. I have LOADS!! comment if you have some or if u love them.
P.S They are soooo cute
I have just come into the house,
it has been a great day. I have been playing with my friends at school and i have been having a laugh.

My teacher is the best in the school she's kind and funny and fun. Today she introduced my maths, we have homework on it set for us and we have to send it to our teacher online. My maths is an online computer learning website that we have to complete for Friday.


Moviestarplanet is something on the computer, you make a moviestar then you play. I'm on it and it is a really cool game.

  • Get pets
  • Go to chat rooms
  • Play exciting games
  • Make & watch movies
  • Get friends
  • Get best friends
  • And if you want get boyfriends/girlfriends (i don't have one tho)
  • Have fun

Back to real blog life anyway...

Today I was playing Mario Kart on the WII at school, I know it sounds crazy but it was in after school club. Cool right?? I know you wouldn't expect a WII in school but my school is cool, the teachers play on the WII sometimes.

School has been tricky in times, we had to finish and improve what we chose to do in English.
I chose to finish my note to mum but there was three choices there was:

  • A note to mum from Emily/Lizzies's point of view
  • Diary from Rosie's point of view
  • Our own chapter of Street Child

Street child is an interesting book about a kid called Jim. It's our class book, I would tell you more about it but the time has flew and I need to get ready to have my dinner I might tell you about the book next time.

Bye every1 take care

Sunday 27 January 2013

It's great to see you all again ;)

Remember if feel down no need to frown, just read this blog all day long and u will feel better I promise :) xx

Try out these games:

  • Horse Eventing 1, 2 and 3
  • Draw Something (app on phone/ipod)
  • Sims 3
  • Moviestarplanet
  • Bin weevils
  • Moshi Monsters
  • Net Pet
A big cheer for Windows 8...

Who wants it??

lol im having a good day..

Today I came home from my Nan's and my grandad's, and I had a meal with my dad, It's been an interesting day and I am so excited to use this blog, I will get the hang of this eventually but at the moment please bare with me...