Friday 31 May 2013

Sorry I haven't blogged in a bit of a while but im back now...

Yesterday was awesome I went to the woods with my dad and we climbed some trees. It was also pretty funny because it was so sludgy and I nearly fell, I got a bit scared cause I was high up i'm not scared of hights though but to say I was sliding and gliding everywhere I got a bit scared I might post some pics...

By the way I went to Scarborough on I think it was Tuesday and it was awesome, the squirrels were so tame and we went to the Beach, me and my cousin tried to catch some fish but failed (lol). I got some things too, I got a 3D horse picture (horses are my favourite animal), I won a teddy like a shark sort of thing you can't tell, I got bracelet and a Rubix Cube. (if that's what you call them).